A.A. Duckett, Inc.
A.A. Duckett, Inc.
134 Maple Leaf Court
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Phone: (856) 863-1919
Fax: (856) 863-1122
Superior Service
We at A.A. Duckett know the value of training our work force in both customer service and technical expertise. Our people respond to our customers’ needs immediately with care, courtesy and professional competency. We have been providing services to Fortune 500 Companies, and that in itself is the proof that we have won the trust of our valued customers.
Comprehensive Service
A.A. Duckett specializes in providing total system and facility management services. We provide scheduled preventive maintenance and repair services on annual contract or life of the system basis. Recognizing that each customer has a unique need; we specifically design service contracts for each customer.
Sales Benefits
A.A. Duckett has the ability to buy, install and service HVAC equipment manufactured by all major manufacturers for all kinds of equipment applications. This approach of maintaining open relationships with all manufacturers offers savings to our customers.
A.A. Duckett, Inc., (856) 863-1919, fax (856) 863-1122 | Base Content Copyright © 2007 Market Hardware, Inc.
Additional text content Copyright © 2007, A.A. Duckett, Inc..
