Mc Farland Tree & Landscape
Mc Farland Tree & Landscape
Wayne, PA 19087
(610) 688-6644
McFarland Arborist Services strives to provide the highest quality landscaping services using the latest industry standard techniques and materials. Select from the options below to learn more about how we can help improve your landscape.
Improper planting of trees and shrubs account for the vast majority of problems that we see in young landscapes. New landscapes are long-term investments that can return either headaches or happiness, depending on the quality of the installation. All of our landscape foremen have many years of experience, and understand the 'why' of planting. Our arborists can direct the locating of your plants to ensure that they get placed in an environment where they can flourish. Who better to create a new landscape than the experts who manage hundreds of mature landscapes to near perfection?
Moving trees and shrubs to new locations in the landscape is common practice and necessary to maintain proper plant spacing as the sight matures. Digging, burlaping and moving large balls on trees and shrubs is an art form, and requires years of experience. Our landscape foremen have the knowledge skill and equipment to move even the largest trees.
While considered one of the simplest operations that can be done in the landscape, improper mulching causes a significant number of problems we face. Often, mulch is mounded up on the trunks and stems of the plants, setting up ideal conditions for disease. Beds that are mulched year after year will often develop layers of mulch so thick that they impede the flow of air, water and nutrients into the soil. As arborists, we understand the assets and liabilities of mulching, and our landscape foremen do too.
Benefits of Mulching
Conserves water for the plant
Reduces competition for weeds
Antagonizes harmful pathogens in the soil
Recycles nutrients through benefical organisms
Organic material breaks down to form humus and improves soil structure
