Mister Handi Man Incorporated
Mister Handi Man Incorporated
252 N Pennsylvania Ave
Morrisville, PA 19067
Phone: (215) 321-4295

"We're Bucks County's Oldest and Most Trusted Professional Handyman
Service Company"

There are many reasons why Mister Handi-Man, Inc. is the #1 choice for all your home repair and maintenance needs. The founder and president, Wayne Moore, realized many years ago that there was an enormous need for professional contractors to service homeowners requirements for small to medium sized projects. The fact is that Wayne, and most of the people that he knew, had the same contractor problems. As the former Director of Purchasing for the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority the four hour daily commute to New York did not leave him much time to complete his own home projects.

To fill this void Mister Handi-Man, Inc was founded in 1989 and is the oldest professional handyman service company in Bucks County. Wayne and his team of professionals have lived in Bucks County for many years and take an enormous amount of pride in serving their community and fellow residents. Mister Handi-Man, Inc. is a small, professionally managed company with controlled overhead costs that result in significant savings for our customers. Wayne considered franchising the company many years ago but felt that we could better serve our customers by remaining small and local.

Over the past several years there have been many large national franchise companies jumping on the bandwagon by selling franchises to service the home repair market. These corporate giants incur enormous overhead costs to fund their sales and marketing campaigns and franchise fees that result in extremely high rates for their services.

"It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. We are often imitated but never duplicated".
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