Secluded Gardens
Secluded Gardens
Salford, PA


Secluded Gardens first opened in Montgomery County Pennsylvania under the name of Unique Expressions in 1997 by owner Bonnie Watton. In addition to landscape design, Unique Expressions offered creative arts classes, estate maintenance and gardening & designing lectures. Within the first year, the landscape design portion of the
business began to grow and we eliminated the estate maintenance. Over the years the company has continued to grow and change. In 2000, we streamlined our objectives and concentrated solely on landscape design. Since that time we have
established solid relationships with various landscape contractors for installation of our designs.

Secluded Gardens is an independent landscape design company, we are not employees of a nursery center or landscape contractor. Our landscape designs reflect the needs and desires of our customers. Secluded Gardens seeks to create landscapes that reflect our customer's personal style. Whether you want to install the landscaping and patio yourself, have us help you secure a landscape contractor or receive bids from several companies, we will help you through the process of landscape design.

Call Secluded Gardens today to speak with our designer about your landscaping project. We are located in Montgomery
County, PA and work in the surrounding counties. We will be glad to assist you through the design process.

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